C4L Connect4Learning
Connect4Learning (C4L) is a research based STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) curriculum. The curriculum was funded by the National Science Foundation. C4L aims to synthesize research-based approaches in four domains of learning: mathematics, science, literacy, and social-emotional development. www.connect4learning.com
Creative Curriculum
The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical-thinking skills. It is designed to help educators at all levels of experience plan and implement a developmentally appropriate, content-rich program for children with diverse backgrounds and skill levels. www.teachingstrategies.com
Our Teaching Standards

The GELDS are a continuum of skills, behaviors, and concepts that children develop throughout this time of life. They are divided into age groups and serve as a framework for learning. The GELDS are aligned with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for K-12, and the Work Sampling System.
GELDS is the cornerstone of Kids 4 Kompany Learning Academy. These standards are used each week as teachers complete and submit lesson plans for review by our program administrators and curriculum coordinators. Every child enrolled in our facility is taught using GELDS. Yes, even our infants! Call now to learn more about the educational opportunities that awaits your child!
Physical Development and Motor Skills Domain
1. Health and Well-Being
Standard: PDM1 – The child will practice healthy and safe habits.
Standard: PDM2 – The child will participate in activities related to nutrition.
2. Use of Senses
Standard: PDM3 – The child will demonstrate an awareness of the body in space and child’s relationship to objects in space.
Standard: PDM4 – The child will use senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste) to explore the environment and process information.
3. Motor Skills
Standard: PDM5 – The child will demonstrate gross motor skills.
Standard: PDM6 – The child will demonstrate fine motor skills.
Social and Emotional Development Domain Developing a Sense of Self
Standard: SED1 – The child will develop self-awareness.
Standard: SED2 – The child will engage in self-expression.
2. Self-Regulation
Standard: SED3 – The child will begin to demonstrate self-control.
3. Developing a sense of self with others
Standard: SED4 – The child will develop relationships and social skills with adults.
Standard: SED5 – The child will develop relationships and social skills with peers.
Approaches to Play Domain
Initiative and Exploration
Standard: APL1 – The child will demonstrate initiative and self-direction.
Standard: APL2 – The child will demonstrate interest and curiosity.
2. Attentiveness and Persistence
Standard: APL3 – The child will sustain attention to a specific activity and demonstrate persistence.
3. Play
Standard: APL4 – The child will engage in a progression of imaginative play.
Standard: APL5 – The child will demonstrate a cooperative and flexible approach to play and learning.
Communication Language and Literacy Domain
Receptive Language
Standard: CLL1 – The child will listen to conversations and demonstrate comprehension.
Standard: CLL2 – The child will acquire vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, and/or books.
2. Expressive Language
Standard: CLL3 – The child will use nonverbal communication for a variety of purposes.
Standard: CLL4 – The child will use increasingly complex spoken language.
3. Early Reading
Standard: CLL5 – The child will acquire meaning from a variety of materials read to him/her.
Standard: CLL6 – The child will develop early phonological awareness (awareness of the units of sound).
Standard: CLL7 – The child will demonstrate increasing knowledge of the alphabet.
Standard: CLL8 – The child will demonstrate awareness of print concepts.
4. Early Writing
Standard: CLL9 – The child will use writing for a variety of purposes.
Cognitive Development and General Knowledge Domain
Number and Quantity
Standard: CD-MA1 – The child will organize, represent, and build knowledge of number and quantity.
Standard: CD-MA2 – The child will manipulate, compare, describe relationships, and solve problems using number and quantity.
2. Measurement and Comparison
Standard: CD-MA3 – The child will explore and communicate about distance, weight, length, height and time.
Standard: CD-MA4 – The child will sort, seriate, classify, and create patterns.
3. Geometry and Spatial Thinking
Standard: CD-MA5 – The child will explore, recognize and describe spatial relationships between objects.
Standard: CD-MA6 – The child will explore, recognize and describe shapes and shape concepts.
4. Mathematical Reasoning
Standard: CD-MA7 – The child will use mathematical problem solving, reasoning, estimation, and communication.
Scientific Skills and Methods
Standard: CD-SC1 – The child will demonstrate scientific inquiry skills.
2. Earth and Space
Standard: CD-SC2 – The child will demonstrate knowledge related to the dynamic properties of earth and sky.
3. Living Things
Standard: CD-SC3 – The child will demonstrate knowledge related to living things and their environments.
4. Physical Science
Standard: CD-SC4 – The child will demonstrate knowledge related to physical science.
5. Interaction with Environment
Standard: CD-SC5 – The child will demonstrate an awareness of and the need to protect his/her environment.
Standard: CD-SS1 – The child will demonstrate understanding of his/her family and an emerging awareness of their own culture and ethnicity.
2. People and Community
Standard: CD-SS2 – The child will demonstrate an understanding of his/her community and an emerging awareness of other’s culture and ethnicity.
Standard: CD-SS3 – The child will demonstrate an awareness of geography in his/her community.
Standard: CD-SS4 – The child will demonstrate an awareness of economics of his/her community.
3. History and Events
Standard: CD-SS5 – The child will understand the passage of time and how events are related.
Creative Movement and Dance
Standard: CD-CR1 – The child will participate in dance to express creativity.
2. Visual Arts
Standard: CD-CR2 – The child will create and explore visual art forms to develop artistic expression.
3. Music
Standard: CD-CR3 – The child will use his/her voice, instruments, and objects express creativity.
4. Drama
Standard: CD-CR4 – The child will use dramatic play to express creativity.
Creative Movement and Dance
Standard: CD-CR1 – The child will participate in dance to express creativity.
2. Visual Arts
Standard: CD-CR2 – The child will create and explore visual art forms to develop artistic expression.
3. Music
Standard: CD-CR3 – The child will use his/her voice, instruments, and objects express creativity.
4. Drama
Standard: CD-CR4 – The child will use dramatic play to express creativity.